CEPES shows its "surprise" and "disappointment" that the Plenary of Congress does not contemplate any proposal of the ocial economy in the Employment Bill
CEPES, shows its "surprise" and "disappointment" at the fact that the Plenary of Congress does not contemplate any proposal of the social economy in the Employment Law Project, which was approved by the Congress of Deputies on Thursday, December 22. Since last July when the Employment Bill entered the Congress of Deputies, CEPES, within the framework of its usual proactive spirit and institutional collaboration, sent to all the parliamentary groups of the Committee on Labor, Inclusion, Social Security and Migration -in charge of processing this Bill- 17 proposals for amendments. One of the proposals presented by CEPES is aimed at correcting some unwanted effects caused by the 2021 labor reform, which hindered or prevented the use of capitalization due to unemployment in the cases of incorporation as members to cooperatives and labor societies. CEPES trusts that the Senate can correct this incomprehensible decision adopted by the Government's Parliamentary Groups.