CEPES proposes the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean strategy for the region's social economy enterprises and organisations.
The president of CEPES and Social Economy Europe (SEE), Juan Antonio Pedreño, proposed during his speech at the Conference organised by the Union for the Mediterranean, the European Commission, CEPES and the German Development Cooperation, the establishment of a Euro-Mediterranean strategy for social economy enterprises and entities in the region. A strategy that is consulted with social economy organisations and that develops the European Social Economy Action Plan, establishing objectives around which all the institutions can work together to make the most of the available resources. This event, held on Tuesday in Barcelona, on social economy entrepreneurship and the role of women in this business model, brought together social economy representatives and experts from 30 countries, among other issues, to raise awareness of the current opportunities and challenges in the social economy in the region, highlight the boom in this business model, promote entrepreneurship and facilitate the active participation of women in the social economy.