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(Madrid, October 11, 2011). - The Social Economy sector continues the trend of keeping and creating jobs, despite the current crisis, according to the report of the Spanish Social Economy 2010-2011published by the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES).

The report notes that in 2010 exceeded 2,350,000economically related jobs with the industry and created a total of 2,462 new companies, which represented a 5% more jobs than in the previous year.

Of these 2,4621088 new companies are cooperatives, 1,252 employee-owned companies, 43 are corporations and 79 are insert special employment centers.

These numbers are reinforced with the first data from this exercise that strengthen this level of business creation and employment, as in the first quarter of 2011 have created 620 companies (cooperatives and labor companies) and 3,062 new jobs.

With the figures of this report, Juan Antonio Pedroza, president of CEPES, said that "the social economy is an undeniable reality in the Spanish socio-economic scenario with almost 45,000 companies, more than 2,350,000jobs and a turnover of 90,000 million euros. "

Pedroza also noted that "although during the past financial year the turnover decreased and the number of entities in the Social Economy, maintenance levels and job creation were maintained in a uniform line."

In addition, the president of the Employers of Social Economy added that "these data are encouraging, but not unrelated to the important efforts made "?"?by these companies, which are obviously also suffering the ravages of the crisis, especially the lack of liquidity and access to credit. "

Local Development

Another of the items in the report of the Spanish Social Economy is a comprehensive article on the position of the Social Economy at the local level, where their presence makes a primary role in economic and social development by promoting regional cohesion and focusing on two key aspects: the creationemployment and generating economic activities.

In the words of the leader of CEPES "sector companies operating in the territory as real antennas, not only to identify needs, but to design, in collaboration with government, business projects that meet."

The report highlights that the food industry, has excelled over other productive sectors, explaining the 51.5% of manufacturing of oils and vegetable and animal fats, 20.7% of the manufacture of beverages, 15.6% of the processing and preserving of fruits and vegetables, 19.9% "?"?of wholesale materialsagricultural commodities and livestock, and 17.4% of gardening activities, is done by social economy enterprises.

Equally important is the action of the Social Economy organizations in the field of education, especially primary and primary, where 17.5% and 16.7%, respectively, are led by social economy enterprises, mainly cooperatives. Similar situation exists in the public service sector focus ondependency, both decisive to secure the population in rural areas.

Finally, Pedroza said "the experience and proven Social Economy enterprises in certain areas, it becomes apparent a year noting the strength and the need for this business model is one of the pillars of the new model which aims to build productive. "


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