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The Social Economy and Spanish universities are joining forces to encourage entrepreneurship
16 04 2012
After the collaboration agreement signed between CEPES and the CRUE, both entities want to encourage innovative ideas for the relaunch of new business projects in the current context of economic crisis

Madrid, April 17, 2012. - The Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) and the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) today signed in theUNED an agreement to promote entrepreneurship from business formulas of the Social Economy in the usual academic activities of the Spanish universities: official studies and graduate, lines of research and analysis, and generation of counseling / support for entrepreneurs university.

The firm has been framed within the celebration of "Day to raise awareness of the importance of promoting Entrepreneurship in the Social Economy in Spanish Universities"Organized by both entities. The Day was attended by the rector of the UNED, Juan Gimeno, the president of the CRUE, Adelaide Street, the president of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedroza, Director General of Self-Employment, Social Economy and Social Responsibility companies, Miguel Angel Garcia Martinand ADG Academic Coordination and Legal System, Enrique Silvestre.

Since both organizations are committed to the promotion of entrepreneurship as one of the strategic priorities of the country to help overcome the economic difficulties, increasing the role of universities as sources of talent and economic development, and place value on the Economy Social, which, as a source of employment opportunities and contributes toenhance the productive fabric of the country.

A partnership to build a competitive

The agreement aims at university level, increase the generation of activities related to social economy enterprise.

For the Chairman of CEPES,Juan Antonio Pedroza"Both organizations agree at this critical moment the need to invest efficiently in education, training and innovation, to get Spain to develop a sustainable economy that responds to the needs of economic sectors with potential for job creation and to improve the competitiveness of human capital of young talent capable of creatingtheir own business. "

The President of CRUEnoted that this agreement is another step in bringing together the world of higher education and the productive, so necessary to the current challenges of the Spanish economy. " According to De la Calle, the interest of students is increasing entrepreneurial culture, which is a way for employability that we promote.

The Director General of Self-Employment, Social Economy and Social Responsibility of Businesshas stated that "this agreement represents for him a double satisfaction, because it promotes entrepreneurship, and this development takes place in schools, which will be a lever for changing the production model and the creation of a new instrument to overcome the crisis. "

In addition, Garcia Martin remarked that social economy enterprises are a way of doing business thanks to its flexibility and performance characteristics is demonstrating an ability to maintain employment over other forms of businesses. "

More information about the CRUE

The CRUEis a nonprofit association composed of Spanish public and private universitiesWhose objective is to serve as a meeting, debate and reflection to Spanish universities. Its reason for positioning the Spanish university system within society, which is intended to serve development and welfare through the provision of higher education, scientific research and knowledge transfer.

More information on CEPES

CEPES is the largest institution representing theSocial Economy in Spain, becoming a platform for institutional dialogue with the authorities. Its 29 members represent the interests of 45,093 businesses represented 12.5% "?"?of employment and with a turnover exceeding 10% of GDP. Its members, with over 200 regional structuresAre national or regional organizations and business groups representing the interests of Cooperatives, Labour, Mutual, Business Integration, Special Employment Centres, industry associations of disability and Guilds of fishermen.