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(Madrid, April 17, 2012). - CEPES president, Juan Antonio Pedroza, and the president of Cajamar Caja Rural, Antonio Perez Lao, today signed a partnership agreementto respond to the needs, financial commitments and new business projects of social economy enterprises.

In this agreement can accommodate all companies within the Business Confederation of Social Economy, which offered favorable terms and preferred to hire or dispose of financial products and services Cajamar Caja Rural, within the broad range of solutions that the entity is designed forcompanies.

The companies within CEPESwill thus have at their disposal new credit lines that help the initiation and development of their productive activity, to provide liquidity at all times, as well as new investment and export activities and foreign trade.

During the ceremony, Lao Antonio Perez said that "our greatest strength is that we are people and companies in a difficult situation like the present, Cajamar Caja Ruralcontinue to fund the social economy, promoting entrepreneurship and social projects of SMEs, particularly preferably in rural areas. "

Meanwhile, Juan Antonio Pedrozasaid that "especially in this difficult time accessing credit appreciates that enable Cajamar liquidity and other financial instruments in CEPES integrated companies, which allow them to enhance the competitiveness and development of new projects."

Cajamar Caja Ruralis the first Spanish and credit union after the merger with Ruralcaja lead the new United National Group rural banks consists of 24 Spanish rural banks with 70,000 million managed business, 7,000 employees, 1,600 offices, 1.2 million members and 3 , 3 million customers. Social economy as an entity in its financial activity focuses inentrepreneurship preferential productive activities that generate wealth and employment, especially in the food industry and rural areas. During the past year, Cajamar Caja Rural has increased by 11% in lending to the cooperative sector in a 31% intended to agribusiness cooperatives and 37% granted to SME cooperatives.

CEPESis the largest institution representing the Social Economy in Spain, becoming a platform for institutional dialogue with the authorities. Its 29 members represent the interests of 45,093 businesses represented 12.5% "?"?of employment and with a turnover exceeding 10% of GDP. Its members, with over 200 regional structures are national organizations orregional and business groups representing the interests of Cooperatives, Labour, Mutual, Business Integration, Special Employment Centres, industry associations of disability and Guilds of fishermen.