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The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2012 as International Year of Cooperatives, aiming to create greater public awareness of the contribution of cooperative economic and social development of the country.

For this reason, the Congress of Deputies approved a motion to join this LAW UN statement. Furthermore, in order to visualize and support this industry and working as the Spanish cooperative, which currently has 22,178 companies, responsible for 282,631 jobs and by their sacrifice, solidarity and flexibility achieved not only maintain but increase number of cooperatives and jobs. From 2009 to 2011, were created in Spain 28,558 new jobswork, constituting 3,083 new cooperatives.

The Committee on Employment and Social Security of the House of Representatives, led by its president, Jose Eugenio Azpiroz organizes Conference "International Year of Cooperatives" on 26 June.


PLACE: Room Clara Campoamor (entrance on number 36 of the Carrera de San Jerónimo)


TIME: 24:30


REGISTRATION: Essential to attend RSVP by Friday 22 June at 14.00, either by phone or by mail to 91.593.04.12 indicating FULL NAME, business or organization and ID.

NOTE: Please be in room from 24:00. and 24:15.



12:30 h - Opening Hon. Mr. President of the Congress of Deputies, D. Jesús Posada Moreno.

12:35 h - Opening by the Chairman of the Committee on Employment and Social Security D. José Eugenio Azpiroz Villar.

12:40 pm - Remarks by Professor and Director of the Economic and Social D. Jesús Cruz Villalón.

12:55 pm - Broadcast video on cooperatives.

13:00 h - Intervention MCC President, D. Jose Maria Aldecoa Sagastasoloa.

13:20 h - Statement President CEPES, D. Juan Antonio Pedreño Frutos.

13:40 h - Closing Ceremony by the President of the Committee on Employment and Social Security, D. Jose Eugenio Azpiroz Villar.

At the end CEPES offer cocktails to attendees.