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(Madrid, July 10, 2012) - President COFIDES, Salvador Marin, today presented to the Board of Directors of the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) COFIDES tools available to finance Spanish companies wishing to invest abroad.

In a working meeting in which participated the president of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño, COFIDES President noted that "today the social economy as a generator of quality jobs, is one of the main assets of the Spanish economy." Therefore, "we want CEPES know the resources we have to support institutions that want their sectoral go outside and that they can benefit from them."

Marin has been put before the members of the Board of CEPES the variety of resources available for businesses COFIDES social economy can go outside. In fact, has urged members of CEPES "that encourage social economy enterprises to internationalize and promote their competitiveness andproductivity. "

In fact, Marin noted that "as revealed by a study of the European Union, one of the effects of globalization on SMEs is job creation. SMEs to go abroad create a 16%employment compared to 4% of those who do not. " So stressed that "we want to support the internationalization of social economy enterprises, to create more skilled jobs and stable."

Juan Antonio Pedroza said during the meeting that "diversification and internationalization of enterprises is an element in the medium and long term may ensure a better way of sticking with the same"

COFIDES is a public-private partnership for 25 years provides financial support for investments by Spanish companies abroad. FIEX manages on behalf of the Ministry of Trade under the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Also participate in its shareholder Banco Bilbao VizcayaArgentaria (BBVA), Banco Santander and Banco Sabadell.