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As part of the conference "Financing Alternatives for Social Economy enterprises"

Another approach to banking is possible


  • This is one of the main conclusions of the Conference on Alternatives by CEPES financing social economy enterprises
  • During the day has highlighted some of the lines betting public and private financing for SMEs
  • More than 900 million euros for companies that decide to invest abroad

(Madrid, December 13, 2012) - During the Day "Alternative funding for social economy enterprises" which organized CEPES, has revealed the existence of different lines of support to SMEs, both from private and public entities.

In Act Rural Group representatives Cajamar, Caja Laboral and Safety Engineers, we have found that such entities teach us a different banking model, cost effective, with a significant impact on the market sector and with significant growth prospects.

Such banks and finance work to promote cooperatives, providing businesses and individuals, a model of financial system committed to people and the environment, democratic, equitable and strongly rooted in the territory where it operates.

From ENISA, the Spanish Network of Business Angels and the Credit and Finance Institute of the Region of Murcia have explained all credit lines, which lend to companies, exposing the outputs, outcomes and conditions offered to finance companies and entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, Salvador Marín, president of COFIDES during the day has encouraged Spanish companies to invest abroad. Since the entity that the presiding available to Spanish companies 900 million euros to finance investments abroad.

Marin also noted that "SMEs investing abroad create a 7% more jobs than they do, getting to grow by 3% more than other companies."

The mutual guarantee companies and private equity firms have also been involved in this conference, CERSA, OINARRI and SICOOP have shown various examples of the services they offer. These organizations help solve the financial problems of individuals and small and medium enterprises, by providing support through the provision of guarantees to support its financial position against credit institutions, suppliers, customers and government.

Finally, Coop 57 and FIARE  explained investment initiatives with ethical values. Private instruments that generate wealth, without exhausting the resources or increase social imbalances. This model connects values "?"?finances squarely with the general feeling of the population.