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CEPES remindes CEOE that "it is not the only voice of employers to the authorities, Parliament and Trade Unions"
17 01 2013
In response to the statements of the President of CEOE, at the newspaper EXPANSION, past Tuesday, January 15, CEPES wants to clarify that CEOE not exclusively represents all Spanish companies. Given the undeniable presence of social economy enterprises, CEPES consider timely and legitimized their dialogue before the social partners, including the Government of Spain.

(Madrid, January 17th, 2013). The Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), after the news appeared in the newspaper Expansion on Tuesday January 15, wanted to remind the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE) that "it is the only voice of employers to the authorities, the Parliament, the trade unions and society in general."

With this statement, CEOE has tried to take over a role that does not belong exclusively, ignoring other organizations and realities of the Spanish business in these difficult times of crisis are keeping the numbers of companies and job creation, as is the If Social Economy enterprises and their different entities.

The social economy is a business model in which most of the time the capital is in the hands of workers and therefore directly involved with the business project. In other cases, this model is the only company that has specific formulas that facilitate the inclusion of excluded collectives in labor market.

Thanks to this personal involvement of employees in the business plan, along with other causes such values "?"?as democracy in making decisions, or distribution of the benefits of a collective or social order compliance, these companies have a greater flexibility to adapt to situationsunfavorable to other business models, contemplating the closure and the dismissal as a last resort.

Juan Antonio Pedreño, president of CEPES, Has reminded the capacity of Social Economy companies not represented by the CEOE, the generation of sustainable employment and quality, noting that this other business model has destroyed jobs less than 6 points in the last year and 10 points least the last four years.

Furthermore, since CEPES recognizes and values "?"?the important role performed representative organization CEOE as part of the Spanish business before the Civil Service, the business environment and civil society, but clarifies that this organization does not have all the knowledge and all features as interlocutor in matters economic partner to the social cited above.

Pedreño, calls on the CEOE to work together in the design of new measures to enhance and strengthen the Spanish business represent both platforms. In economic times like now, is more necessary than ever this alliance between the two most representative employer employers of the Spanish state.

The Social Economy sector in Spain represents the interests of nearly 44,000 companies, present in all economic sectors and of all sizes, from 12.5% "?"?of jobs and a turnover of around to 7.5% of GDP. evidence supporting another way of doing business there and who is not represented by the CEOE.