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Social economy enterprises are the best example of creating youth employment
22 04 2013
As stated by Juan Antonio Pedreño, president of CEPES, in the act of accession of the Social Economy and Self-employed to the entrepreneurship strategy and youth employment from 2013 to 2016.
  • The commitment of the social economy sector in employment has been demonstrated by the 6,037 new businesses and about 48,000 new jobs created between 2010, 2011 and part of 2012

(Madrid, April 20, 2013). "Social economy enterprises are the best example of job creation", as stated by the president of the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), Juan Antonio Pedreño, In the act of accession of the Social Economy and the Self -Employed to the new Strategy entrepreneurship and youth employment 2013-2016.

The meeting took place in the auditorium of the Ministry of Employment and was chaired by the Minister of Employment and Social Security, Fátima Banez. During the ceremony, along with CEPES, signed the agreement to join the strategy, ATA, UPTA and CEAT.

The implication, effort and conviction that social economy organizations have towards young people, entrepreneurship and the creation and maintenance of employment, has been found with a commitment CEPES partners in meeting the objectives of the Strategy.

Led by their chief representatives, COCETA, COOPERATIVAS AGROALIMENTARIAS, HISPACOOP, UECOE, UCOTRANS, CONCOVI, FAEDEI and CONFESAL also received from the Minister, the hallmark of accession to the Strategy.

CEPES has described the new strategy as a success and a necessary in these times of economic crisis, because you have to impregnate society hopes to launch new businesses and enterprises.

For entrepreneurship CEPES underlies the entire development process and the productive territory in a modern society. For very active it is the economic and industrial policy of a state, not help if you do not find an answer in the business sector in the form of creation of enterprises and jobs generate economic growth and prosperity.

CEPES president, Juan Antonio Pedreño has wanted for the act to value the Social Economy Enterprises as the greatest exponents of collective entrepreneurship in the country. During his speech, pointed Pedreño join significant dataset to corroborate this claim, noting that in 2010, 2011 and part of 2012, the Spanish social economy has created 6,037 new businesses and generated about 48,000 jobs, with 42.9% of these jobs for people between 25 and 39 years.

These figures are possible because the collective endeavor that develops from the Social Economy presents some differences from other types of enterprise. Such entrepreneurs are betting on a business model based on values, where the person equity premium over the distribution of benefits fixed criteriacollective, and democracy, solidarity and social cohesion are key factors in the management of the new company.

In short, they are people who dare to take risks for a shared project together that individually would be more complex,

"We are a sector that becomes active, concerns that allow people to take," Pedreño said during his speech in the act of accession.

The president of the Employers of Social Economy said "Social Economy is going to be one of the active participants in this program, from our values "?"?and entrepreneurial behaviors we attract young entrepreneurs to the business model that we represent, as the management not speculative causes resourceare fighting for the creation and maintenance of employment in a different way. "

On the other hand, the leader of CEPES has highlighted the fact that for the first time, 38% of youth report being an entrepreneur, "to these groups will focus our efforts in the coming months" has added Pedreño.

Speaking Juan Antonio Pedreño has conveyed the congratulations of the organization that runs the Minister Fátima Banez and his team for this strategy, "because it puts the spotlight on entrepreneurship as an engine of the economy and the social change, to the extent that the major changescome together social people, "stressed the president of CEPES.

Finally, Pedreño also commented that "Spain must be enhanced in business education at all educational levels, you can not continue the cultural contradiction of trying to promote entrepreneurship education while messages are specific to a society of workers employed ".