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CEPES President attends the meeting of His Majesty the King with the Permanent Commission of the Economic and Social
08 07 2013
CEPES President, Juan Antonio Pedreño, a member of the Standing Committee of the CES participated in the meeting held with His Majesty the King D. Juan Carlos.

CEPES President attends the meeting of His Majesty the King with the Permanent Commission of the Economic and Social

Madrid, July 8, 2013. CEPES President, Juan Antonio Pedreño, was in the meeting he held his majesty the King D. Juan Carlos with the members of the Standing Committee of the Economic and Social Council.For the first time in the 21 years of the government advisory body that occurs this meeting, also attended by the Minister for Employment, Fátima Bánez.

Her Majesty's conversation with social agents represented at CES has focused on the current economic situation as well as on issues related to the world of business and work.

CES president, Marcos Peña, presented to King Memory economic partner and Labor 2012 plenary approved unanimously body May 30. Memory is the most important report conducted annually by the CES and he describes the situation of Spain on three specific issues: the economy, and social work. ( )

The meeting, which was held in a friendly relaxed atmosphere and drive about an hour, between 12 hours and 13 hours, and after the meeting, His Majesty was able to socialize a moment with the 18 members that form the Standing Committee CES.

Economic and Social Council

The Economic and Social Council (CES) is the principal advisory body to Government on economic, employment and social. It is composed of the major Spanish organizations and trade unions and other organizations representing a broad spectrum of civil society organizations (primary sector agro-fisheriesconsumers and social economy), plus 6 renowned experts chosen by the government. Founded in 1992, last year completed 20 years of existence. The ESC carries out its work through advisory opinions on draft laws in socioeconomic and labor referred by the Government; initiative reports and annual preparation of socioeconomic Memoryand work as law marks its constitution, which discusses the highlights of each year in these areas. The ESC has just approved May 30, memory for 2012.