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17 10 2013
After the creditors preconcurso announced by Fagor Appliances, CEPES think that precisely because the principles of cooperatives MONDRAGON CORPORATION, is taking firm decisions to uphold and defend the employment of about 2000 workers affected.
  • The commitment to people over the capital of this business model is the key to how you are managing this delicate situation

(17 October 2013). The President of the management of the Social Economy (CEPES) Juan Antonio Pedreño, said in relation to creditors preconcurso announced by Fagor Appliances, that this business model is proving to society's commitment to people. Commitment, adds Pedreño, which is found in the decisions of Mondragon Corporation to maintain and defend the employment of about 2000 workers who may be affected by this difficultsituation marked by falling sales and consumption.

The difference between a cooperative business model compared to other business models lies in that in a similar situation, the cooperative model is concerned with the future of workers, putting the future of people in front of other decisions and is in this situation wherenotes, and collecting demonstrated greater exercise of responsibility towards people cooperatives.

CEPES expresses its support and solidarity to the partners in this difficult situation, and will continue to uphold the principles and values "?"?of the business model, framed in the Social Economy.