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CEPES strengthens relations with Mexico to promote the Social Economy
04 12 2013
At the invitation of the Mexican government, CEPES has moved internationally FORUM "productive local development strategy" and in various institutional meetings, actions and initiatives being promoted in Spain on behalf of the Social Economy
  • At the invitation of the Mexican government moved CEPES measures and initiatives being promoted in Spain on behalf of this business model
  • Mexico has become a reference worldwide and is taking a leading role in Latin America, with more than 700,000 Social Economy.
  • Meetings were held with various representatives of the Mexican Government responsible for the portfolios of Social Development and Treasury


(Mexico City, December 5, 2013) - The Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), represented by Vice President 1, Fernando Marcén; and its director, Carmen Comos; been exposed to and responsible for the administration of Mexican society measures being developed in Spain in the field of Social Economy.

The participation of Spanish Employers of Social Economy in the institutional agenda, which also involved representatives from Brazil and Uruguay, is part of the relationship with the Mexican CEPES has Social Economic Council for years. The presence of CEPES in the International Forum on 'The strategyproductive in social development ', invited by the Government of Mexico, is an example of the privileged relations maintained with this Country.

Marcén noted that "relations with Mexico are a priority for CEPES" and announced that "we will continue working to strengthen the lines of work that enhance the social economy both institutional and business in both countries since America America and in particular Mexico, are key partnersthis business model to place on the political agenda. "

Carmen Comos explained that "from CEPES took several years working with Mexico, which has recently passed a law of social and solidarity economy in terms very similar to that in Spain governs this sector (Law 5/2011, of 29 March ) ".

Mexico has become a worldwide reference in Social Economy, and is taking a leading role in Latin America, thanks to the perseverance and work of the Mexican Council, which is playing a key role in negotiations with the government. According to the European Economic and Social Committee, in Latin America there are more than 700.000 of Social Economy Entities.



The Forum 'The production strategy on social development' aims, according to the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL) the Mexican government, "making productive strategy to increase permanent income, skills and equality of persons who are below the club throughcompanies impact on social development. "

VP 1 CEPES has described the Mexican and Latin American representatives contribution to employment, GDP and social cohesion doing business entities of the Spanish Social Economy. For its part, Comos explained the instruments of public and private funding in Spain are serving to inject funds to the Social Economy Enterprises

Marcén said that "the key factor is business cooperation between the two countries. Therefore, the development of projects of economic and business cooperation must be configured as a future strategy to realize the full potential of the social economy, which is in good health thanks to the presence of leading companies acrosssectors of activity. "

Further meetings with Secretary of Social Development of the Government of Mexico, Rosario Robles will remain, Secretary of Finance of the Government of Mexico, Luis Videgaray and the president of the International Center for Scholars Woodrow Wilson, Lee H. Hamilton, as well as representatives of the American Social Economy.


EU-Latin America

During the meeting the opinion that on the Social Economy in Latin America published the Social Committee (EESC) and the Economic Committee in 2012 and whose speaker was the representative on the Committee CEPES was assessed.

This document has become a benchmark to publicize the role of the social economy in the economic and social development of this region, identifying measures for its development and promotion. The proposals in this opinion have had a political impact first level, transcending other spaces, since their conclusionswere collected in the recommendations that resulted from the Seventh Meeting of the EU-Latin America Organized Civil Society Union of Santiago de Chile, December 2012.