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  • CEPES has moved to the political parties proposals for "building Europe from the Social Economy"


(Madrid, March 5, 2014).- Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) has asked the political groups to include in their manifestos proposals for the next call for elections to the European Parliament, Social Economy, all aimed at creating jobs,wealth and social and territorial cohesion.

"The Social Economy is a business sector that represents about 17% of employment in the European Union, according to the latest data provided by Commissioner Barnier stated President CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño.

The president of the Employers of Social Economy has stated that "the social economy, according to a resolution of the European Parliament (07.02.2013) plays an essential role in the European economy, especially in times of crisis, combining profitability with solidarity, create stable jobs and quality, strengthensocial, economic and regional, and generate social capital " cohesion.

In the document 'European Elections 2014. Building Europe from the Social Economy enterprises' CEPES parties moved to the demands of the social economy, a sector in Spain represents one of every six jobs in it, the Employers of Social Economy includes three lines of proposals subsequently developed and detailed:


  1. Strengthen the instances and the agenda of the European institutions with social economy enterprises.

To achieve this, CEPES asks to the Spanish parties that the new Parliament would constitute a new intergroup Social Economy which will build on the work done previously, so a European agenda for the European Social Economy companies consolidate both development and policies Community (which Parliament itself has claimed in several resolutions).


  1. Establish a European action plan for strengthening the social economy enterprises. This would coordinate in the UE  the various public authorities involved in its development.

CEPES supports, thus the proposal of the European Parliament to urge the Commission to establish an open method of coordination for the Social Economy, involving all governments and stakeholders.

Furthermore, CEPES adds to the proposal from the European Social Committee (EESC) and the Committee on Economic enlarge the contribution of the Social Economy in Structural Funds the promotion of employment, poverty reduction, improved levels of education, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial spirit and competitiveness, business support, local development, research, development and innovation , training and education.


  1. That economic and social policies of the EU to take account of social economy enterprises, in accordance with the recognition that the European institutions make their added value and contribution to provide Europe with a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy within 2020.

The Social Economy has shown to contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU 2020 strategy to provide Europe with a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. CEPES recalls that over 200 documents of the EU institutions recognize the importance of social economy enterprises to achieve the objectives ofeconomic and social development that the European Union is planted.

"The Social Economy" added Pedreño, "is an increasingly important sector in the EU institutions as a tool to overcome the crisis, as it has proven that combines economic and social returns. In fact, in Europe is estimated to bring together 123 million people. "

"So," added the president of CEPES, "it is vital that the Spanish political forces taken into account in the European Parliament this business reality representing the Social Economy, without ever forgetting the added value of social cohesion and land, building companies and the fight againstunemployment. "

CEPES regrets that the various political parties have not agreed this battery of measures, while confident that the meetings to be held soon materialize into concrete proposals for development of the social economy within different electoral programs of the European Parliament .