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  • Pedreño claimed that the social economy is taken into account in the development and implementation of all policies


  • The Social Economy works in all Latin American countries and economic sectors, and in it there from micro to multinational groups


(Madrid, March 14, 2014) -. President CEPES and FUNDIBES, Juan Antonio Pedreño, said in the Senate of Spain that "Social Economy has shown to reduce levels of social inequality that exist in some Latin American countries, the while promoting the fight against social exclusion and poverty. "

"So," he said Pedreño, "we claim that the social economy is taken into account in the development and implementation of all industrial policies and should be to facilitate access to all instruments that promote competitiveness."

Pedreño was speaking at the Ibero-American Affairs Committee of the Senate, in which he detailed the activities FUNDIBES in Latin America, the region which has the largest number of countries with specific laws of Social Economy.

President of FUNDIBES and CEPES claimed that "The social economy should be recognized as another business model that has different values "?"?and different principles (primacy of the individual over capital equitable distribution of wealth, social responsibility, reinvestment of surplus ...), but always as part of the communitybusiness ".

At present, the social economy is experiencing a significant evolution in Latin America, where it has a strong socio-economic implementation. It works in all countries and in all economic sectors through companies and organizations of all sizes, from micro to corporate groups with presence in markets worldwide.

As an example, hence the five countries that make up Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela), there are over 280,000 cooperatives with more than 21 million members. A significant fact is that in Mexico 18% of the economically active population exercised within the Social Economy.

Pedreño said that "the actors of the social economy should boost this sector have increased visibility and become aware of their weight and relevance." To achieve this, he took the example of the Spanish experience spaces or tables to promote intersectoral dialogue with relevant actors of the social economy in the variousLatin American countries.

The president recalled FUNDIBES and CEPES the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee, which requested that the Social Economy must be a driver of change in trends combining development, economic efficiency and social justice to eliminate asymmetries and not just settle on the economy poverty.

Finally, Pedreño claimed enhance all areas to intensify the cooperation between the Social Economy of Latin American countries, being FUNDIBES an instrument at the service of all public and private stakeholders committed to strengthening this cooperation.

The appearance of Juan Antonio Pedreño is available on the Senate website at the following link: