Madrid (July 18, 2014.) The full State Board of Social Responsibility of Companies (CERSE) held last week, and attended CEPES through its representative Emili Villaescusa unanimously approved the Spanish Corporate Strategy Corporate Responsibility. The plenary was chaired by the Minister of Employment and Social Security
The Employer of the Social Economy (CEPES) has played an active role in the development of the Strategy and welcomes that the text has collected all of the shares issued over their preparation.
This document is important and strategic part of the Government's objective, reflected in the National Reform Plan to encourage initiatives aimed at strengthening the Spanish economy in the belief of the driving role of corporate social responsibility aspect closely linked to business model Social Economy toprogress towards the Europe 2020 Strategy.
In line with this approval, the President of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño, said that "From CEPES has always opted for Corporate Social Responsibility, as companies of Social Economy, by the way it works and its principles, as required by the Law on Social Economy, are located very close to the principles that makes the RSE ". He adds that "be socially responsible companies is the basis for competitiveness and necessary condition in this new economic era. "
Through the Third CERSE Group, which is part CEPES is have moved and defended the proposals of the Social Economy, which have been reflected in this document transcendental for our country to have a national framework on CSR to homogenize and harmonize all actions taken in the public and private sectors. The role of the Third Group throughout the process has been crucial in this document has seen the light.
As to the content of the strategy, 60 measures aimed at boosting CSR among all types of organizations, both public and private, and in society as a whole are collected. February 1 of the priority measures are very high, 18 high priority and 30 medium priority and determines which entities are responsible for promoting and implementing each of the performances.
CEPES considered very successful the agreement reached at the meeting on the fact track each of the measures, and is the General Self-Employment, Social Economy and CSR which make an annual report to be submitted to CERSE and Sector Conference on Employment and Labor Matters for further evaluation.
The Ministra Employment and Social Security, Fátima Bañez said at the meeting of city maintained that through this strategy "Spain will be at the forefront in Europe CSR framework for its momentum in the public and private spheres" look President of CEPES fully shared.