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(Madrid, November 18, 2014) .- A delegation of the Government of the Republic of Korea has signed in Madrid a collaboration agreement with the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), with the aim of strengthening bilateral relations between institutions and companies in the Social Economy of both countries.

The agreement was signed by the Head of Division of Social Enterprise of the Ministry of Employment and Labour of the Republic of Korea, Chuil Woo Lee, and Vice President of CEPES, Rafael de Lorenzo.

"The main purpose of this agreement is to increase cooperation ties between both entities and thereby enhance exchanges between business entities of the Social Economy of Spain and South Korea," explained Lawrence.

Meanwhile Lee has indicated that there are similarities between the innate principles that exist in the Social Economy of both countries, "the primacy of people over capital, transparency and democracy in their business decisions, serve a social purpose or insert groups at risk of social exclusion. "

The Korean delegation was composed of representatives of the Korean administration, as well as companies and entities of the Social Economy of China, as' Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency (KoSEA).

CEPES international agenda

The signing of this agreement is part of the intense international activity CEPES. As patron of the Spanish Social Economy, CEPES has collaborations with various governments, community institutions and transnational organizations to strengthen Social Economy enterprises internationally. CEPES currently has agreements and alliances with Southern Mediterranean countries, Latin America and Europe.