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CEPES organizes an international conference on the European agenda on social Economy
26 11 2014
It will be held on December 4 in the Economic and Social Council and will aim to meet the measures that the European Institutions will drive the next five years in the Social Economy. Involving senior representatives of the Community institutions, the Spanish Government, European governments and industry representatives of Socia Economy

(Madrid, November 26, 2014) .- The Economic and Social Council (CES) will host next December 4th international conference, organized by CEPES with support from the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, specifically the Directorate General of Self-Employment, Social Economy and CSR, in which the agenda will be discussedEuropean institutions in promoting social economy, as well as initiatives for social enterprises as agents of the Social Economy.

In this event will be announced the measures that the EU develops for the whole of the Social Economy for 2015-2020. In addition, work priorities will address the European Social Committee (EESC) Economic Committee is raising the Community institutions for recognition of so-called'Social enterprises' as agents of the Social Economy. Community initiatives for social enterprises as agents of social economy will also be discussed, as well as the different laws existing in Member States

At the conference the different laws existing in the EU countries in terms of social economy and 'social enterprises' were also analyzed. Also the heads of the European and Spanish Social Economy sector will present the challenges that the sector of Social Economy and Social BusinessEurope.

The conclusions of this conference will serve to make proposals that the Social Economy travel to the EU to develop this economic sector, which accounts for 15% of EU employment after the formation of the new Commission and the European Parliament.

The international conference, entitled 'The Social Economy to the future agenda of the European institutions: the initiative for social enterprises towards a European Plan for the Promotion of Social Economy', will feature, among others, the president of CES, Marcos Peña; the Director General of the Independent Labour, Social Economy and CSR, Miguel Angel Garcia, the Minister of the Economic and Social Committee, Ariane Rodert; the Head of Unit Entrepreneurship and Social Economy of the European Commission, Marko Curavic; a representative of the European Parliament or the President of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño.

Entries can be formalized through the website banner CEPES