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A book reflects the inclusion of social enterprises as agents of the Social Economy
06 02 2015
Social entrepreneurship as part of the Social Economy 'was written by journalist Beatriz Triper and published by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and CEPES. The book contains the findings of the international conference organized by CEPES last December 4 in which European experts discussed the role of social enterprises
  • Social entrepreneurship as part of the Social Economy 'was written by journalist Beatriz Triper and published by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and CEPES


  • Collect the conclusions of the international conference organized by CEPES last December 4 in which European experts discussed the role of social enterprises as agents of the Social Economy


  • The work analyzes nine specific cases of social enterprises that have been created in Spain


(Madrid, February 4, 2015) .- For the first time, the inclusion of social enterprises as agents of social economy has been analyzed and reflected in a book.

Social entrepreneurship as part of the Social Economy, title written by journalist Beatriz Triper workand published by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) reflects nine specific cases of social entrepreneurs who have created companies that are part of the Social Economy and according to the doctrine that have marked the Community institutions with respect to such entities.

The book also presents the main conclusions of the international conference 'Social enterprise as agent for the Social Economy. The future agenda of the European institutions Organized by CEPES with support from the Ministry of Employment and Social Security in December 2014, and in which international experts from politics and European institutions discussed the role of social enterprises as agents of the Social Economy.

Triper explains that "social enterprise shares the social economy principles and values "?"?that identify this model company regulated by Law 5/2011 of Social Economy. Of companies where the person is above the capital, where no profit maximization seek short term and where the reinvestment ofbenefits to achieve the social goal of the company is part of their business strategy. "

The book has two prologues in charge of Miguel Angel García Martín, Director General of the Autonomous Work and Social Economy and Juan Antonio Pedreño, president of CEPES. García Martín indicates that "in a context like this, do wish to add value to the great opportunity and success of this book that the author includes clear examples of different companies and entities of the Social Economy ".

CEPES in Spain has prompted discussion of 'social enterprises', with the aim of giving legal coverage and recognition within the framework of Law 5/2011 of Social Economy, according to the guidelines of the European Commission, which states that 'social enterprises' are a part of the Social Economy.

All political groups in the Congress of Deputies endorsed last October that the figures of 'social entrepreneur' and 'social enterprise' are formulas that are part of the Social Economy and CEPES, as employers of Social Economy, empower discussion for this business mode for self-recognition inLaw 5/2011 of Social Economy.

CEPES president, Juan Antonio Pedreño says in the book that "it is the responsibility of the social economy promote this business model along with the rest of entities that share the same values. All entities and companies that make this economymake visible a business and social force that contributes not only to generate quality jobs, but also to promote regional and local development, to create greater social cohesion, to address social needs of millions of citizens and promote entrepreneurship serving the needs of the people. "

The book 'Social entrepreneurship as part of the Social Economy' is available on the website of CEPES in the section Publications ( ).