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CEPES organizes a conference to discuss the impact of tax reform in the entities of the Social Economy
10 02 2015
The aim of the conference is organized in collaboration with the University-Business Foundation Universitat de Valencia, aims to analyze and detail how it affects tax reform, especially in relation to corporation tax, VAT and income tax to all entities of the Social Economy
  • It will be held on February 18 in Madrid, in the auditorium of Fundación ONCE (c / Sebastian Herrera, 18), from 9:15 to 14:00


  • Analyze and detail how it affects tax reform, especially in relation to corporation tax, VAT and income tax


(Madrid, February 11, 2015) .- The Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) will organize next February 18 a day to analyze the impact of tax reform in the social economy entities.

In it, they will examine and describe the measures of tax reform that directly affect companies in the Social Economy (mainly cooperatives, labor companies, mutual societies and organizations that work with groups with disabilities and / or at risk of exclusion), especially in regarding income tax, VAT and income tax.

The conference, entitled "Tax reform: how it affects social economy companies' will be held on Thursday, February 18, from 9:15 to 14:00 pm in the auditorium of Fundación ONCE (c / Sebastian Herrera, 15, Madrid). You can register through the web of CEPES ( ).

In this inaugural event will involve the CEO of ONCE Foundation, José Luis Martínez Donoso; and President of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño. The technical lectures will be given by María Pilar Alguacil and Maria Pilar Bonet, University Professor (both of them), of Tax Law at the University of Valencia.

The conference is organized by CEPES and the University-Enterprise Foundation of the University of Valencia, in collaboration with Fundación ONCE, Diploma in Social Economics / University of Zaragoza, CoopCat (Confederation of Cooperatives de Catalunya) and the Cooperative Group Gredos San Diego. It is intended for directors, officers and Technical representative organizations and social economy enterprises, entrepreneurs, freelancers, business consultants, members of government, researchers, academics and the general public interested in the subject.