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CEPES President recalled that the Social Economy shows that another economic model is possible
27 02 2015
In the framework of the Euro American Conference organized by Florida University, Juan Antonio Pedreño stressed that social economy companies are responding to unemployment, job insecurity to create and maintain employment
  • By combining business efficiency with the values "?"?of solidarity, responsibility and social cohesion and because they are responding to unemployment, job insecurity to create and maintain employment


  • Between 2008 and 2014 29,000 new companies in this sector and 190,000 jobs were created


  • Pedreño remember that 80% of contracts of Social Economy are undefined, with parity in the recruitment of women and 45% of the seats are occupied by children under 40 years


(Madrid, February 27, 2015) .- The president of the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), Juan Antonio Pedreño he highlighted that "the social economy is a benchmark for the development of Europe because it shows that another economic model is possible, where business efficiency combined with the values "?"?of solidarity, responsibility and social cohesion."

Pedreño was speaking at the presentation 'social economy and economic development' within the 'Euro-Latin American Conference: Linking territorial and economic and local development', which was held in Florida Universitaria (Valencia).

In it, the president of CEPES said "This business model is giving alternatives and solutions to build a more inclusive, more diverse and more equal society through an accountable, transparent, democratic, supportive, competitive, viable, committed to values "?"?and principles and gives priority to the person above capital and build a more humane economy "company.

Pedreño said that "enterprises in the social economy are responding to unemployment and job insecurity to create and maintain employment, since they are beyond speculation, do not seek profit maximization in the short term, but the sustainability and redistribution of wealth ".

CEPES president noted that since 2008 until 2014 over 29,000 new businesses and more than 190,000 jobs were created. "In addition, creating a stable and quality employment, since 80% of workers in the Social Economy enjoy an indefinite employment relationship" he pointed Pedreño.

CEPES president also explained that "female employment accounts for almost half of the workers and that 38% of women in the Social Economy in positions of leadership, compared to 4% of other companies. "

The Social Economy promotes entrepreneurship and generates hope and new opportunities for young people. In this sense, Pedreño recalled that 45% of jobsThis area is occupied by people under 40 years and 12.5% "?"?over 55 years.

Another aspect Pedreño indicated is the role of the Social Economy in favor of creating opportunities for socially excluded groups. Currently, more than 128,400 people with disabilities and other groups at risk of exclusion working in this sector.

Pedreño also explained that "the link with local development is one of the strengths of the Social Economy". "This model," said Pedreño, "promotes and maintains the business and jobs in the territory, avoiding corporate relocations and depopulation of rural areas".

Finally, CEPES president stressed that the social economy is "an example of no other way to generate wealth, to share and to respond to what society is demanding, while it is a business model that corrects inequalities and social imbalances. "