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The MEYSS, Chamber of Spain and Sevilla CEPES presented in the Plan of Internationalization of Social Economy to incentivize exit outside companies
01 06 2016
The Plan promoted by the Ministry of Employment, the House of Spain and CEPES encourage the exit to the outside of the Social Economy enterprises to improve their competitiveness.

• This has been presented in the Forum of Internationalization of Social Economy, held today in Seville, and which was attended by a hundred social economy enterprises.


• According to the businessman Carlos Barrabés, who participated in the forum, the entire economy will end up being social economy "businesses no longer have customers or suppliers, but allies, and competition will become collaboration."


Seville, May 31, 2016 .- The Director General of Social Economy and Self - Employed of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Andalusia, José Roales, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville, Francisco Herrero, the President of the labor societies of Andalusia (FEANSAL), Felipe Berenguel, the President of the Andalusian Federation of Enterprises Worker Cooperatives (FAECTA), Luis Miguel Jurado, and the International Director of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain, Alfredo Bonet, among others, have Tuesday participated in the Forum of Internationalization of Social Economy to promote the departure abroad of companies in this sector and promote competitiveness.

The General Director of Social Economy of the Government of Andalusia, José Roales, stressed the importance of the contribution of the social economy to the recovery of the economy, and especially the role of Andalusia in the internationalization of enterprises as "peripheral zone for jumping to other markets outside Europe. " Thus, he stressed the importance of the social economy and the profitability it generates to society by what has insisted on the need to export it to other markets.

For his part, President of FAECTA, Luis Miguel Jurado, has spoken of the importance of cooperatives in Andalusia: "lead the ranking of generating cooperatives employment in Andalusia, and we know that selling out is important to keep the work within our territory, so the Internationalization Plan is an opportunity for our companies to go abroad ".

Then FEANSAL President Felipe Berenguel, spoke of the internationalization project and has encouraged social economy enterprises to go abroad and to make use of "these instruments which facilitate access to labor markets to other companies."

For his part, director of International House of Spain, Alfredo Bonet, has highlighted the importance of internationalization plan in which "the necessary companies that want to start this process tools are provided".

The General Director of Self - Employment, Social Economy and Social Responsibility of Companies, Carmen Casero, stressed "the importance of the entities of the social economy and is fundamental to address their internationalization processes".

In his speech, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville, Francisco Herrero, stressed that it is "an interesting project whose main objective is to identify which companies have products or services that can be exported, sensitize companies to they can overcome any fears that causes the output to the outside and developing internationalization plans to achieve those goals. "

"It is, in short, to make one of the things we do best Chambers of Commerce, for the years of experience we have been working on it: promote the internationalization of cooperatives, labor societies, mutual societies, emprthese insertion and other organizations in this area, "Herrero is over.

The forum, which was attended by about one hundred companies of social economy has also benefited from the intervention of Carlos Barrabés, which has given some of the key technological change in which we are immersed: "The future of internationalization - has been said goes through, cheaper, lighter and more manageable "smaller products.

To Barrabés, we are living a third industrial revolution where collaborative processes are increasingly common: "Social innovation must be built entirely and is in the hands of the social economy. The world is being organized in value networks in which scientists exchange their information and technological advances are shared. " Carlos Barrabés has argued that the entire economy will end up being social economy "businesses no longer have customers or suppliers but allies and competition will become collaboration."

This forum is held under the Plan of Internationalization of Social Economy launched by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, the Chamber of Commerce of Spain and the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), with the support of COCETA And CONFESAL.

This forum is launched in the Andalusian the Plan of Internationalization of Social Economy to promote the opening of the entities of the Social to foreign markets in order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises Economy. The plan is articulated through three types of actions:


  • Forums aimed primarily Cooperatives and labor companies to explain the benefits of internationalization of Social Economy
  • Individualized reports with recommendations for improvement, identifying success factors and market analysis of opportunity (150 reports)
  • Internationalization custom plans with direct expert advice to companies that request (40 plans)



Social Economy in Europe

The Social Economy has become one of the main stakes of the European Union to strengthen the growth and prosperity of the Member States within the EU 2020 Strategy The European institutions recognize that it is a business model based on democratic values, which places the person in the foreground and contributes to sustainable development and social, environmental and technological innovation.

United Nations and European institutions have approved more than 200 documents that give value to the social economy in areas such as the creation of stable and quality employment, entrepreneurship, rural development and local innovation, social cohesion and inclusion groups at risk of exclusion.


Social Economy in Spain

Spain has since May 2011 a specific law that defines the Social Economy as "the set of economic and business activities in the private sector, make those entities pursuing the general social and / or economic".

The growing importance of the Social Economy is given not only by the nature of its institutions and principles that underpin it, but also for its ability to cope and withstand environmentscrisis. There are more than enough for the Spanish Social Economy companies analyze their ability to export and internationalize and many of them need a boost high added value to help them grow with greater assurance of success reasons.

According CEPES, the top organization representing associations and companies of this nature, at the end of 2015 there were in Spain 42,929 Social Economy organizations. Most of them are Cooperatives (20,258) and labor companies (10,828). There are also a number of mutual societies and associations Disability Sector. The activity of all generates 10 percent of Spanish GDP.

Social Economy entities employing more than 2.2 million people, 12.5 percent of the population in Spain. It also is stable employment, with 80 percent of permanent contracts, inclusive, with 128,000 employees with disabilities or at risk of exclusion; and more resilient to the crisis, with job losses 6 points lower than the other business formulas.