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CEPES represent the Social Economy in the 'Global Forum on New Economy and Social Innovation'
24 10 2016
CEPES, as a partner of NESI participate in the Global Forum on New Economy and Social Innovation, to be held in Malaga in April 2017 along with various international networks involved in building a more sustainable, social, collaborative economy and people-oriented.

• Defend in this event to the social economy as a model company recognized in Spain and in Europe, able to combine economic efficiency and social commitment, generating economies respectful with the environment and with the environment.


• This event will be held in Malaga in April 2017.


• Previous events are being organized, such as the one held in Madrid on 25 October. Http:// )


(Madrid, October 24, 2016) .- The Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy will participate in the Global Forum on New Economy and Social Innovation, to be held in Malaga in April 2017 along with various international networks involved in building a more sustainable, social, collaborative, transparent, with values ​​and people-oriented economy.

CEPES, as the highest representative institution of the Social Economy in Spain, is collaborating entity NESI and represent in this event this business sector, regulated in Spain by Law 5/2011 and represents the interests of about 43,000 companies and organizations of the existing Social Economy in Spain, accounting for 10% of GDP and 12.5% ​​of employment.

At the same time, CEPES underlined in this forum that the social economy has demonstrated its ability to create jobs and quality employment and their ability to build a more sustainable economy, facilitating social integration, anchored in local development and based on principles of solidarity and democracy.

This act will allow visualize how and how the social economy is, with its rich diversity of legal forms, "a fundamental pillar in terms of social cohesion and employment in Europe" in the words of the Council of the European Union in its recent Declaration of December and how it has become, also in the words of the Council of the European Union, in exchange engine against the challenges facing the European Union ".

The Global Forum on New Economy and Social Innovation (NESI), to be held in Malaga from 19 to 22 April 2017, will be the meeting place for business, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, activists, social movements, public administrations and Universities are working to build a more sustainable, social, fair, collaborative, transparent, with values ​​and people-oriented economy. All information on the event is available at , or CEPES page