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CEPES reports that most Spanish universities offer postgraduate training on Social Economy
08 11 2017
The report 'The Social Economy in postgraduate university education: 2017-2018 academic year', available on the CEPES website, shows information on 104 postgraduate training activities related to the Social Economy offered by 38 Spanish partner universities CRUE. In this exercise we have detected an increase of 30% of universities that offer postgraduate courses on Social Economy.

• According to the report 'The Social Economy in postgraduate university education: Academic year 2017-2018', carried out by CEPES.

• Analyzes the training offer of the 76 universities associated with the CRUE, detecting in this course, an increase of 30% of universities that offer postgraduate courses on Social Economy.

• There are currently 104 postgraduate training activities related to the Social Economy and its business modalities.


Madrid, November 13, 2017 .- Half of the Spanish universities associated with the CRUE (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities) offer postgraduate training in the field of Social Economy , according to the report 'The Social Economy in postgraduate university education : 2017-2018 academic year ', which CEPES has been doing since 2012.

The study shows that in the current school year has increased substantially (30%) the number of universities, with specific training in Social Economy within their different postgraduate studies, encompassed in three categories: university or official master's degrees, doctorates and own degrees (which include master's degrees -not official-, expert, specialist or continuing education courses).

"The growing interest in the Social Economy is evident in the growing number of university students who demand specific training to be able to start and work in this business model," said CEPES president Juan Antonio Pedreño . "For this reason," he added, "we have gone from a testimonial presence of the Social Economy a few years ago to the current situation, in which 38 Spanish universities associated with the CRUE, both public and private, offer their students postgraduate training in Social Economy matters ".

The report 'The Social Economy in postgraduate university education: Academic year 2017-2018', available on the CEPES website ( .es / files / publications / 103.pdf ) shows information on 104 postgraduate training activities related to the Social Economy. In total, the current offer of postgraduate training consists of 21 official university master's degrees, 23 master's degrees, 15 specialist degrees and 18 university expert degrees; 5 postgraduate diplomas, 1 MBA and 21 courses of continuous training or learning.

CEPES appreciates the extension of training in the field of Social Economy and the business formulas that comprise it: Cooperatives, Labor Societies, Mutualities, Insertion Companies, Special Employment Centers, Associations of the disability sector and Fishermen's Associations.

"In addition, CEPES emphasizes that there is still an incipient offer of training in masters whose main thematic axis is the Social Economy. Therefore, it considers that society, in general, and the academic sector, in particular, should contribute to make visible the existing training offer and increase it in all universities to allow all Spanish students to be trained in this business model, which represents the 10 % of Spanish GDP and 12.5% ​​of employment ", added Pedreño.