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CEPES organizes a day to analyze the opportunities of the Law of Contracts of the Public Sector for the Social Economy
26 12 2017
The conference will be held in Madrid at the headquarters of the Economic and Social Council (CES) on Thursday, January 25, 2018, addressed to companies and entities of the Social Economy, technicians of Public Administrations, political representatives and public management positions. It will have the presence of experts from the Public Administrations, Universities and the Social Economy

• It will be attended by experts from the Public Administrations, Universities and the Social Economy.

The content of the Conferences can be consulted at

Madrid, December 26, 2017.- The Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) will organize on Thursday, January 25, an informative day to analyze the new scenario motivated by the recent approval of the new Public Procurement Law.

This day will be held at the Madrid headquarters of the Economic and Social Council (CES) and will be aimed at companies and entities of the Social Economy, technicians of Public Administrations, political representatives and public management positions.

The 'Day of Responsible Public Contracting directed to companies and entities of Social Economy' will be held from 10:00 to 17:45 hours, and pursues the following objectives:

• Analyze the new normative scenario of social clauses and hiring after the approval of Law 9/2017 of November 8, on Contracts of the Public Sector.

• Explain the advantages and benefits of responsible public procurement to promote public administrations that are socially committed.

• Provide social economy entities with access to the award of public contracts.

• Offer the technical personnel involved in public procurement the tools and best practices to prepare the contract documents with social clauses and contract reservations.

To analyze these objectives, experts from the Public Administrations, Universities and the Social Economy will analyze and debate many aspects related to the new regulatory framework. The presentations will be: ' News on responsible public procurement in the new Public Sector Contracts Law' , ' Impulse and commitment to social clauses from Public Administrations' ,' Innovative public procurement from the social economy 'and' Recruitment responsible public for companies and social economy entities '. Upon completion, open and participatory workshops will be held.

CEPES worked on the approval of this new regulatory framework, since public procurement must contribute to achieving social and environmental objectives, such as quality in employment, the participation of groups with greater employability difficulties, male-female parity, stability labor market, among others. For this reason, public procurement becomes a tool for the transformation of the social and economic environment that surrounds the different public administrations.

In addition, CEPES appreciates that the new legal framework for public procurement in Spain is an opportunity to effectively incorporate social criteria in a cross-cutting and mandatory manner in recruitment, configuring a system that moves towards a more humane and responsible economic model, involved with the territory, innovative and that places people at the center of management, with democratic criteria and redistribution of benefits in an equitable manner; and that collaborates in the labor integration of people with employability difficulties.

The capacity of the day is complete, so we regret not being able to process more registrations. Thank you very much.