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CEPES and the Vicente Ferrer Foundation sign an agreement on cooperation for development
24 04 2018
CEPES and the Vicente Ferrer Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement on development cooperation in order to promote and implement joint actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in third countries. Both entities want to express through this agreement their commitment to building a fairer society that generates better and greater opportunities for all people, especially in third countries.


• Both entities want to express through this agreement their commitment to building a fairer society that generates better and better life opportunities for all people, especially in third countries.


• Improving health, education, infrastructure, entrepreneurship, and the conditions of women and people with disabilities are some of the objectives of the agreement.


• The Social Economy is a key business actor in development cooperation policies, since its companies are currently involved in the fulfillment of 14 of the 17 objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda.


(Madrid, April 24, 2018) .- The Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES) and the Vicente Ferrer Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement in the field of development cooperation in order to promote and implement joint actions for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in third countries.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global objectives that were adopted in 2015 to end poverty or protect the planet, among others. Both entities consider that the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda offers a framework and objectives around which to establish a shared roadmap to increase the positive impact of their respective activities in the field of development cooperation.

The agreement, signed by the president of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño , and the project director of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation, Moncho Ferrer , focuses on improving the living conditions of groups, such as people with disabilities and women, through the promotion of of sustainable development of labor resources and their access to education, health, water, food or housing.

The president of CEPES shows his satisfaction for this agreement that reflects the more solidary side of Social Economy companies. "We wish to contribute to improving the living conditions of many people and transfer the experience of the Social Economy companies in the framework of development cooperation, currently involved in the fulfillment of 14 of the 17 objectives of the Sustainable Development Agenda of the ONU".

"The business model of the Social Economy is based on the participation and solidarity of all its agents, thus contributing to social transformation and global change, guaranteeing the reduction of inequalities and generating inclusive economic growth in other countries that lack the same opportunities, "said Juan Antonio Pedreño.

Moncho Ferrer stressed that "the result of so much effort and dedication we are taking firm steps to boost the economy of the families with whom we work, in order to move from a subsistence economy to a sustainable economy that allows them to meet their basic needs , at the same time that they aspire to a dignified life present and future. To achieve this we look for the best allies, as is the case of CEPES, with which we place the person at the center of everything ".

In this way, the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and CEPES confirm their commitment to building a fairer society that generates better and better life opportunities for all people, especially in third countries through the policies and development actions that lead finished.

For CEPES, the Social Economy is an actor of the private sector especially committed to development cooperation policies, given that its business model is based on values ​​such as solidarity, participation and business action.the person responsible for the general interest of the people.

These values ​​mean that the Spanish Social Economy promotes and executes development projects to generate a business network in third countries that responds to the economic and social needs of people, by promoting their collective entrepreneurial capacity to favor local development and cohesion social in rural geographic areas or away from the centers of power, which generally offer few opportunities of life to its inhabitants.



The Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy The Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES) is the highest representative institution of the Social Economy in Spain, constituting itself as a platform for institutional dialogue with public authorities. Its 26 partners represent the interests of more than 43,300 companies, representing 12.5% ​​of employment and with a turnover of around 10% of GDP. Its partners, with more than 200 regional structures, are national or regional organizations and business groups, representing the interests of Cooperatives , Labor Societies , Mutualities , Insertion Companies , Special Employment Centers , Associations of the disability sector and Fishermen's Associations .


About FVF

The Vicente Ferrer Foundation (FVF) is a Non-Governmental Development Organization committed since 1969 to the process of transforming rural areas in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana (southeast India). We support impoverished communities and especially vulnerable groups: women and people with disabilities. We apply our programs in 3,662 villages and support close to 3 million people . The development model of the FVF in India coincides with the set of global proposals of the UN to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030.