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Europe celebrates the day of Social Economy Enterprises
05 06 2018
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) headquarters in Brussels hosted the European Day of Social Economy Enterprises for the third consecutive year. This event brought together senior government officials and European institutions, who together with the top representatives of the sector valued the social economy as a central actor in the socio-economic development agenda of the European Union


• The president of CEPES and Social Economy Europe, Juan Antonio Pedreño, participated in Brussels in the events organized by the European Economic and Social Committee to commemorate this day.

• With more than 2.8 million companies and 13.6 million jobs, the Social Economy represents 8% of the GDP of all Europe.


Madrid, June 5, 2018

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) headquarters in Brussels hosted the European Day of Social Economy Enterprises for the third consecutive year. This event brought together senior government officials and the European Institutions, who together with the top representatives of the sector valued the social economy as a central actor in the socio-economic development agenda of the European Union.

With more than 2.8 million entities and companies and 13.6 million jobs, the social economy was confirmed in Brussels as an expanding entrepreneur that already accounts for 8% of GDP in Europe.

During the ceremony, the Minister of Social Economy of Luxembourg and senior ministerial officials of France and Slovenia explained their policies to promote the social economy, while the Commission took stock of its "road map" with measures in favor of this business fabric that "she is living a fascinating moment", in the words of the head of the General Directorate of Employment of the Commission, Ann Branch. This relevance has contributed to the Commission having included the social economy among the priorities of the instruments it is proposing within the Union's budget for the next seven years.

During the event also presented business experiences that showed how the social economy is growing and competing in European markets and also addressed the challenges to which the social economy should adapt and take advantage of new areas such as digitization, industry 4.0 or new forms of work that involve the incorporation of new technologies.

The Director of the European Commission responsible for "Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing", Slawomir Tokarski, opted to create an environment that favors the growth and functioning of the social economy in the market, highlighting the added value that the principles of solidarity and participation of this The business model contributes not only to the functioning of the market but also to the construction of European society.

The president of the Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), Juan Antonio Pedreño , took part in the closing ceremony on behalf of Social Economy Europe (SEE), the European Social Economy organization that also chairs since the end of 2015.

Pedreño stressed that "the celebration of this European Day has highlighted the consensus that exists between the States and the European Institutions on the importance of enhancing the growth of the social economy." In this regard, the President of Social Economy Europe demanded during his speech that the Union should adopt a European Action Plan that will give continuity and expand the range of measures that the Commission is currently implementing in favor of the social economy and that, on all, serve to build an ambitious European policy of promotion and development of this model of key company for the Union.

Pedreño said that "this European Action Plan should be the" umbrella "that covers and transfers to the countries, measures that increase the contribution of the social economy to the socioeconomic development of the territories, through state, regional andof the town halls that contribute at the same time to the intelligent, sustainable and integrating growth for which the European Union is betting ". In this regard, the president of CEPES recalled that Spain is already working in this line with the State Social Economy Strategy approved by the central government, to which are added the plans in favor of the sector of Autonomous Communities such as the Balearic Islands, Navarra or Murcia .

Juan Antonio Pedreño said that "the European Day of Social Economy companies is a key event because it makes visible throughout Europe what this business fabric means. From Spain we will continue working from Social Economy Europe to ensure the success of the next editions of this European Day, which is one of the best opportunities to know the way in which the social economy is building a more competitive, supportive and sustainable Europe " .

The co-chair of the Social Economy Intergroup of the European Parliament, Marie-Christine Vergiat, also participated in this event which was closed by Arianne Rodert, President of the Section of the European Economic and Social Committee in charge of the European Single Market policies.