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CEPES, awarded the 'Social Inclusion 2019' Award
24 10 2019
The general director of the Amiab Group, Pedro Jesús Sáenz, and the Delegate of the Government of Spain in Castilla La Mancha, Francisco Tierraseca presented the award to the president of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño, at a gala held in Albacete yesterday by the defense, development and promotion of the Social Economy both in Spain and in Europe.

• The general director of the Amiab Group, Pedro Jesús Sáenz, and the Delegate of the Government of Spain in Castilla La Mancha, Francisco Tierraseca presented the award to the president of the Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES), Juan Antonio Pedreño, in a gala held in Albacete.

• CEPES was awarded in the category of Collaborating Entity for its defense, development and promotion of the Social Economy business model in Spain and in Europe.


Madrid, October 24, 2019.- The Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES) has received the Amiab Social Inclusion Award in the Collaborating Entity 2019 category.

The general director of the Amiab Group, Pedro Jesús Sáenz , and the Delegate of the Government of Spain in Castilla La Mancha, Francisco Tierraseca presented the award to the president of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño , at an event held at the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations of Albacete. Also present were, among others, the Vice President of the Diputación de Albacete, Amparo Torres ; the mayor of Albacete, Vicente Casañ ; Deputy Mayor of Albacete, Emilio Sáez, the Minister of Social Welfare, Aurelia Sanchez and the president of Amiab, Encarnación Rodríguez .

CEPES received the Award in the category of Entity Collaborated for the defense, development and promotion of the Social Economy both in Spain and in Europe.

“This Prize represents an important recognition of the work that CEPES carries out in favor of the Social Economy and to make visible the more than 42,000 Spanish companies and entities that, like Amiab, defend an economic model with values, in which the person prevails above capital and that is committed to stable, quality and inclusive employment, leaving no one behind, ”said Pedreño.

The President of CEPES congratulated the AMIAB Group for your work, for its growth and for its consolidation with more than 1,200 jobs. "You are the most social part of the Social Economy defending day by day an inclusive job and that seeks the quality of life of people above all," he added.

In addition, CEPES were also awarded by Amiab Carlos Alaejos ('In Memoriam' Category), Recyclia (Collaborating Company 2019), Castilla-La Mancha Media (2019 Communication Award), Puertollano City Council (Collaborating Institution) and Anxi Queruga (Mention to Featured Person).

The AMIAB group is a Special Employment Center of Social Initiative, formed by 10 companies and declared a Public Utility aimed at achieving the full inclusion of people with disabilities and / or at risk of social exclusion, in all areas of society, prioritizing employment and adapted sport. Currently employs more than 1,200 people, the majority, people with disabilities.