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Barcelona will host the II Mediterranean Forum of the Social Economy
04 11 2019
Barcelona will host on November 22 the II Mediterranean Forum of the Social Economy, which will be held in March of the 'Medaweek Barcelona 2019'. This II FORUM is organized by the Euro-Mediterranean Social Economy Network that has led CEPES since 2000 and the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Mediterranean (ASCAME). In this international meeting, the work that this business model performs in the countries of southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East will be analyzed and made visible. In them, there are more than 3.5 million companies that generate 15 million jobs.

• It will be held on Friday, November 22 at the Casa Llotja de Mar, within the 'Medaweek Barcelona 2019', and will be organized by the ESMED NETWORK, led by CEPES, and the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Mediterranean (ASCAME).

• This Forum will analyze and make visible the contribution that the Social Economy makes to progress in the Mediterranean countries.

• The Social Economy in the Euro-Mediterranean region has more than 3.5 million companies that generate 15 million jobs.

• The Forum program is available through the following link:


Madrid, November 4, 2019.- Barcelona will host the II Mediterranean Social Economy Forum on November 22, which will be held at the Casa Llotja de Mar within the 'Medaweek Barcelona 2019'.

The II Mediterranean Forum of Social Economy is organized by the Euro-Mediterranean Network of the Social Economy (Esmed Network) that has led CEPES since 2000 and the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Mediterranean (ASCAME).

In this international meeting, the work that this business model performs in the countries of southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East will be analyzed and made visible. In them, there are more than 3.5 million companies that generate 15 million jobs.

“The data confirm that the Social Economy offers solutions to the main socio-economic challenges of the Mediterranean: the number of our companies in the coastal countries is growing, with which quality employment is created, gender equality is contributed, by increasing the rate of female employment, and solidarity with groups such as people with disabilities or the elderly is promoted, ”said the president of 'Social Economy Europe', the ESMED Network and CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño .

This event will be attended by experts from international organizations and institutions, Social Economy entities and companies and experts in this business sector from the Mediterranean countries.

During the event there will be a presentation of the Publication edited by the CAJAMAR CAJA RURAL GROUP on “The Social Economy in the Mediterranean”. This publication brings together, in more than 500 pages, the analyzes and opinions of fifty personalities of the Government of Spain, representatives of Political Parties, European Institutions, international organizations and experts in Social Economy, who explain their accession and proposals with this business model.

The book is available through the following link:

The Forum program is available through the following link:

Registration of registrations is formalized in the following Links:

• / (registration form in English)

• (registration form in French ) 



The ESMED Network is the institutional reference platform for this business model in the Mediterranean. It is made up of 14 major Social Economy organizations from Algeria, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia and Turkey, representing 900,000 companies and organizations in the Social Economy, 8 million jobs and 100 million Members.