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CEPES reinforces its presence in the Economic and Social Council
04 02 2021
Today the four representatives of CEPES have taken office in the Economic and Social Council, a consultative body attached to the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy whose objective is to advise the Government on socio-economic and labor matters. Juan Antonio Pedreño, Javier Goienetxea, Jerónima Bonafe and Emili Villaescusa will be the CEPES representatives in the Economic and Social Council, assigned to the Third Group. From their new positions, they will work to bring the concerns, proposals and perspectives of the Social Economy closer to the Opinions and Reports on their own initiative of the CES for this new period that is beginning.

• Today the four CEPES representatives have taken office in the Economic and Social Council, a consultative body attached to the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy whose objective is to advise the Government on socio-economic and labor matters.

• Juan Antonio Pedreño, Javier Goienetxea, Jerónima Bonafe and Emili Villaescusa will be the four CEPES representatives on the Economic and Social Council, assigned to the Third Group.

• From their new positions, they will work to bring the concerns, proposals and perspectives of the Social Economy closer to the Opinions and Reports on their own initiative of the CES for this new period that is beginning.


Madrid, February 4, 2021.- The four representatives of the Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES) in the Economic and Social Council, have taken office today in the plenary session of this consultative body that begins a new cycle with 60 members of the different Groups. This advisory body, attached to the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, offers its experience to the Government in socio-economic and labor matters and it is in this forum where CEPES representatives will work to add value through the vision of the Social Economy.

In said plenary session, once the term of mandate, set at four years, has been completed, the 60 new directors proposed by the Minister of Labor and Social Economy have taken office, with the support of the Council of Ministers. These will be integrated into three groups: the first representing the trade union organizations; the second, of business; and the third, in which the members of CEPES are framed, has spokespersons for the agricultural, maritime-fishing sectors, consumers and users, and experts appointed by the Government.

The four CEPES representatives who will actively participate in the CES are, Juan Antonio Pedreño , president of CEPES and Social Economy Europe, Javier Goienetxea , president of the Congress and of the Mondragon Corporation Permanent Commission and vice president of CEPES, Jerónima Bonafe , president of Cooperatives Agroalimentaries Illes Balears and Emili Villaescusa president of the Confederació de Cooperatives de la Comunitat Valenciana and member of the Board of Directors of CEPES. From their new positions, they will work to bring the concerns, proposals and perspectives of the Social Economy closer to the Opinions and Reports on the initiative of the CES for this new period that is beginning.

Pedreño has a degree in Chemical Sciences from the University of Granada, an expert in Cooperativism and Social Economy from the University of Murcia and an Executive Master from the University of Manchester in collaboration with the FUEM (Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia). Since 1986 he has made several positions compatible in representative organizations of the Social Economy and Cooperativism. Currently, in addition to being president of CEPES, among others, he is president of Social Economy Europe, of the Union of Cooperatives of the Region of Murcia (UCOMUR) and of the Union of Cooperatives of Education of the Region of Murcia (UCOERM). He also chairs the ESMED network (Euro-Mediterranean Social Economy).

Goienetxea has a degree in Psychology, with different postgraduate training and in the financial area. He has a history of more than 35 years in the cooperative world, in the social, commercial and business management areas. He is also president of the Congress and of the Mondragon Permanent Commission and vice president of CEPES.

Villaescusa, meanwhile, is a Naval Technical Engineer from the University of Cádiz and completed the Senior Business Management Program (PADE), from ESADE. Since April 2012 he has been president of the Confederació de Cooperatives de la Comunitat Valenciana. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Directors and responsibleof the CSR area and CEPES 2030 agenda. For this reason, it also represents the Social Economy in the State CSR Council and in the Sustainable Development Council.

Bonafé has a Diploma in Business Sciences and her career has always been linked to the agricultural sector, since her family owns several farms in Mallorca. Since 1998 she is president of Cooperatives Agroalimentaries Illes Balears and, as such, is part of the Board of Directors of Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de España with the position of secretary. In fact, during her more than twenty years in the latter organization, she has promoted the implementation of different initiatives that have contributed to highlighting the role of cooperative women in the rural world.