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Juan Antonio Pedreño, president of CEPES: "The growing interest of society, students and teachers in the Social Economy is a clear sign of the new business models demanded by the current situation"
05 03 2021
CEPES considers that the growing interest of society, students and teachers in the Social Economy is a clear sign of the new business models demanded by the current situation. This is clear from the success of the II Social Economy University Week, organized by CIRIEC-Spain through the ENUIES Network. In this edition, there are more than 127 activities programmed in 26 universities with the aim of bringing the academic world and the Social Economy sector closer together in two ways, making known, on the one hand, the intense teaching and university research activity that exists around the Social Economy sector and, on the other hand, showing students the possibilities of employment and self-employment that this business model provides.

• Within the framework of the II University Week of Social Economy, which is held from March 4 to 12 and has more than 127 activities scheduled in 26 universities.

• The objective of this week is, on the one hand, to publicize the intense teaching and university research activity that exists around the Social Economy sector and, on the other, to show students the possibilities of employment and self-employment that it provides this business model.

• The presence of CEPES in the II University Week of the Social Economy is completed with different seminars and conferences given in different Spanish universities.

• This rapprochement between the academic world and the Social Economy is showing the growing interest that exists on the part of universities and students for this business model, in accordance with current demands: sustainability, competitiveness, equality, responsibility, solidarity, democracy and the primacy of people through stable and quality employment .

• Spanish universities have increased their postgraduate training in Social Economy by 483% in the last five years.

• The business model of the Social Economy accounts for 10% of Spanish GDP and 8% of European GDP.


Madrid, March 05, 2021.- The Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy considers that “the growing interest of society, students and teachers in the Social Economy is a clear sign of the new business models demanded by the current situation”.

This has been pointed out by the president of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño , within the framework of the II University Week of Social Economy. Organized by CIRIEC-Spain through the ENUIES Network , this initiative has in its second edition more than 127 activities programmed in 26 universities with the aim of bringing the academic world and the Social Economy sector closer together in two ways, giving know , on the one hand, the intense teaching and university research activity that exists around the Social Economy sector and , on the other, showing students the possibilities of employment and self-employment that this business model provides.

“From CEPES we strongly support this initiative since, through various conferences, round tables, seminars, workshops and training , knowledge of the Social Economy is promoted among students and, ultimately, the plurality of ways of undertaking that it offers us. the Spanish legal system. A business model that accounts for 10% of Spanish GDP and 8% of European GDP and that undoubtedly provides a possibility of access to the labor market for many young people who have seen their socio-economic situation especially damaged after the Covid pandemic -19 ”, says Pedreño.

"In addition, this rapprochement between the academic world and the Social Economy is showing the growing interest that exists on the part of universities and students for this business model, in accordance with current demands: sustainability, competitiveness, equality, responsibility, solidarity, democracy and the primacy of the people through stable and quality employment ”, he adds.

Precisely the president of CEPES participated yesterday in the cycle ' Realities and challenges of agri-food cooperativism', organized by the University of Almería and the Chair of Agrifood Cooperatives of Spain , which had 300 registered people, before whom he coulddo share the socio-economic weight that Social Economy companies currently have, both at the state and European level.

During his speech, Pedreño explained the commitment and recognition of governments and community institutions towards the Social Economy , and highlighted that “now windows of opportunities are opening and it is the opportune moment to unleash the full potential of Social Economy companies as a fundamental ally for to achieve the economic transformation that Spain and Europe need ”.

Another of the outstanding activities of the program is the seminar " The Social Economy: economy committed to sustainability ", organized by the Rey Juan Carlos University and which will take place on March 9 , in which the director and the person in charge of international relations from CEPES, Carmen Comos and Carlos Lozano, respectively, will talk about the Social Economy as an agent for the transformation of society.

Likewise, on March 10 , the president of CEPES will participate in an event organized by the Chair of Social Economy of the University of Murcia under the slogan “ Social economy companies as tools for recovery, transformation and resilience for the Murcian regional economy after the covid19 ".

In addition, next Friday , March 12 , Pedreño will also take part in the great closing ceremony of this week , which will be a novelty in this second edition and which will consist of a webinar on the role of cooperatives and other companies in the Social Economy in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Spanish Economy . Organized jointly with the AECA - Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration-, it will also have the participation of the General Director of Self-Employment, Social Economy and CSR of the Government of Spain, Maravillas Espín , together with experts from the AECA and CIRIEC -Spain.


Increase in postgraduate training in Social Economy

As revealed in the report ' The Social Economy in postgraduate university training. Course 2020-2021 ' , carried out by CEPES, in the course 2020-2021 Spanish universities offered 483% more postgraduate training actions related to Social Economy than five years ago . That is, 140 postgraduate training actions and three doctorates related to Social Economy in the 2020-2021 academic year, compared to the 29 existing in the 2015-2016 academic year.

In addition, 65% of the Spanish universities associated with the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) take a course on entrepreneurship, creation and management of Social Economy companies, in general or on any of their business formulas.

These data show the interest of society in this business model, a trend that points to rise after the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the reconstruction demands Social Economy companies , which generate stable and quality employment and which combine economic profitability and quality .

More information about the II University Week of the Social Economy here .