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Minister Escrivá reinforces dialogue with CEPES on pensions and social protection
30 03 2021
The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escrivá held a meeting with the Board of Directors of CEPES in which an agenda and work priorities have been established to incorporate the Social Economy into the main legislative initiatives on pensions and social protection that the Government is currently addressing.

• In a meeting held between the minister and the Board of Directors of the Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy.

• The CEPESs Board of Directors conveys to the minister its interest in the Social Economy playing a prominent role among the legislative initiatives that the Government is currently addressing on these matters.

• The consideration of the Social Economy in the modifications of the Social Security contribution system, the promotion of complementary social protection models offered by the Social Economy, the added value that this business model offers in the creation of employment for groups especially sensitive issues and concern about changes in the contribution of the self-employed were some of the points discussed at the meeting.


Madrid, March 30, 2021.- The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, José Luis Escrivá, has held a meeting with the members of the Board of Directors of CEPES who have conveyed their interest in incorporating the Social Economy into the main Legislative initiatives on pensions and social protection that the Government is currently addressing.

The minister has taken note of the demands of this group with the aim of taking them into account among his priorities and work agenda.

This has been one of the main conclusions of the meeting held last Thursday, March 25, with the person in charge of the Social Security portfolio.

During this meeting, Minister Escrivá shared with CEPES the main initiatives on the social dialogue table for the reinforcement and consolidation of the social protection system in light of the positive prospects for the Spanish economy once control of the pandemic has been achieved, and in accordance with the advances and modifications that are being proposed after the latest agreements approved in the Toledo Pact.

In this way, the CEPES Board of Directors has been able to assess with the minister measures that directly affect the Social Economy . Specifically, Escrivá has learned first-hand the interest of CEPES in taking into account the Social Economy companies in the modifications of the Social Security contribution system and improvement of the social protection of self-employed workers , who make up a significant part of the Social Economy workforce. (more than a million workers of the Social Economy are assigned to the different self-employed regimes)

In addition, this meeting has shown that the Social Economy also provides innovative solutions in the field of social security . In fact, during the meeting the interest in seeking measures to promote the complementary social protection models offered by the Social Economy through tax incentives to save for the retirement of workers, especially the self-employed, was confirmed.

Likewise, a third area where the role of the Social Economy in promoting recovery has been highlighted has been its added value in the creation of employment for particularly sensitive groups , in which incentives are being considered for hiring people with more 55 years old, people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion, as well as victims of gender violence.

Escrivá has shown a total disposition and his will to incorporate the Social Economy in the elaboration of these initiatives that will be carried out successively through thedialogue with CEPES.

The president of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño , highlighted the will and commitment of Minister Escrivá to work with the Social Economy, also pointing out that “this meeting has once again highlighted that the Social Economy is a key actor in the development of our country and in sustaining our social model, which it makes more sustainable and equitable, being at the forefront of a society that effectively reduces its inequalities ”.