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Confederación Española de Mutualidades - CEM
Contact info
C/Francisco Silvela,106, 28002- Madrid

The Spanish Confederation of Mutual Societies, established on July 8, 1947, is the highest representative body of Social Welfare Mutualism in Spain. The Social Welfare Mutualities are part of this organization, directly or through their Autonomous Federations. For more than 50 yearsyears, is concerned with the representation, defense and promotion of the interests of the Social Welfare Mutualism.

The Confederation has a total of 219 associated Mutual Societies, being the Empty Country the autonomous community that has the most Mutual Societies.

It also promotes the development of Social Welfare, as well as Mutualism as a complementary welfare system, characterized by the absence of profit, democratic participation and self-management carried out by the mutualists themselves, which in 2020 reached the figure of 2,000,000.