*Social Impact Measurement for the SSE focused on the integration of development metrics into the impact assessment methodology, led by Le French Impact including 18 organizations from 9 countries.
* Global action to promote the internationalisation of SSE organisations and the role of women in the SSE led by Impact Hub network is leading the consortium of 23 organisations from 11 countries.
* Putting Stakeholders in the Center: A Global Research and Feedback Initiative About Applying Best Practices for Measuring and Managing Social and Environmental Impacts led by Social Value US, brings together a consortium of 26 partners from 13 countries.
* Respond Rebuild Reinvent (RRR): Peer Learning Partnerships on SSE Ecosystems led by UpSocial together with Ashoka coordinate 16 consortium partners from 11 countries.
* Social Solidarity Economy International Learning and Knowledge (SILK) Community of Peers coordinated by DIESIS network which includes a consortium composed of 23 partners and two individual experts from 13 countries