The project is based on a peer-learning methodology, aiming at supporting exchanges of experiences and best practices among the consortium partners on three main axes:
- Axis 1 aims to analyse the existence of the overall legal framework, that’s to say, the national and regional laws for the social economy.
- Axis 2 aims to analyse the existence of reference legal frameworks in terms of specific regulations of the entities in the social economy (cooperatives, wises, mutuals, social enterprises, etc.).
- Axis 3 aims to is to analyse the existence of specific regulations for the social economy within general legal matters, such as, for example, procurement regulations, or tax regulations etc. (The "context" rules that facilitate the functioning of the social economy.).
Each one of those “axes” was discussed by all partners following the same systematic approach covering the following steps:
- Elaboration of "guiding questions" to identify general issues of interest under each axis.
- Dissemination of the “guiding questions” to the consortium partners asking for their answers to collect experiences and cases on the identified issues.
- Preparation of 3 "background documents" compiling answers to the guiding questions elaborated by the partners on each one of the three axes.
Background paper Axis 1 available here Link

Background paper Axis 2 available here Link

Background paper Axis 3 available here Link

- Distribution of the “background documents” among the consortium partners. Once they had consulted the answers collected, the partners elaborated questions to the cases provided by other consortium colleagues and identified topics of interest by means of a specific questionnaire.
- Organisation of the online seminars to address each of the axes:
- A de-briefing report on the conclusions of each seminar was drawn up and sent to the partners one week after the online seminar of each axis.
- After the online seminars, a de-briefing session was organised with the partners to discuss the drafted report. The consolidated final report elaborated after the sessions, collected the main lessons and findings of each axis. Those sessions were hold: 24 June 2021 on findings of axis 1; 19 July 2021 on findings of axis 2 and 24 September 2021 of findings of axis 3.